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Orange Day Activity

🍊🍊 Orange Day Celebration 🍊🍊

“Orange colour Day” was celebrated with zest and zeal in the (Pre-Primary Wing). Orange is a dynamic colour and stimulates imagination and creativity. Our little kids were dressed in shades of orange, shining brightly. The Students were given a thorough understanding of the colour orange through they learnt different activities, such as how to get this secondary colour by mixing two primary colours: red and yellow. The colour represents the health and energy of our kids. Orange is a winter fruit known for its bright colour and  refreshing smell & taste .Our little kids learnt about the benefits of this fruit and things made from it through different activities. On the occasion of this day Orange day is celebrated in the YCEMS campus on Tuesday, 7th November 2023. Students celebrated orange day by dressing up in their favourite orange coloured dresses and participating in fun orange-themed activities. Students showed great enthusiasm and excitement for the day and the activities.

It was indeed a pleasure to witness the little ones dressed up in orange, bubbling with energy and fascination. A dynamic and stimulating learning environment was created to help the children explore their imagination and creativity through art and craft activity a day prior.This kind of activity not only reinforce the concepts but develops eye hand coordination too.Children has learnt natures related to orange Color like Orange 🍊peach 🍑carrot 🥕pumpkin🎃

Overall it was a fun filled learning experience for our little ones.

#a_school_of_quality_education #preprimaryactivity  #YCEMS campus #orangeday celebration #

#orangedaycelebration   #activitybasedlearning

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